Saturday, 28 April 2012

CЯYSTΛL - What’s This Crap?

"Art is not about technical skills,
it's about the reaction you get out of it."

- What’s This Art?
CЯYSTΛL (crystalship.rehula) is without doubt one of my favourite Second Life photographers.
I have probably “favorited” more of CЯYSTΛL’s work on Flickr than any other photographer, with the possible exceptions of Jinx Jiersen and Phillip Sidek.
CЯYSTΛL is owner of the “What’s This Art?” group – dedicated to the artistic and uncensored content that can be created in Virtual Worlds.
I find much of her work to be inspiring in terms of imagination and technical accomplishment.
I have to admit, I typed that last sentence with a certain amount of trepidation and wariness. The ‘What’s This Art?’ group has a certain “cool-to-be-cynical” vibe going on and such sentiments could easily bring ridicule on me or, even worse, on CЯYSTΛL herself. Nevertheless the sentence is true.
I logged on today to see a Group Notice announcing that CЯYSTΛL has opened a new exhibition  of both her newest and older photography. The exhibition is entitled “What’s This Crap?” and I tp’d over right away.
CЯYSTΛL, whom I have previously met in-world a number of times but only ever to say “Hello”, was there at the exhibition but “Away”. Approximately 60 to 70 of her photographs are on display. Quite a number I had seen before, others were new to me – all are tremendously good.
As a rather interesting aside, CЯYSTΛL was creator and original owner of the infamous ‘The Cumhouse’ club. Although I have personally only ever visited a few times – preferring myself the more salubrious surroundings of Old Lar’s House – they were fun and funny visits.
CЯYSTΛL’s current venture is ‘Hotel Californication’ – a cool-looking adult hangout and chill out place. I was especially pleased to see the walls were adorned with paintings created by American artist Terry Rodgers, whom we recently blogged about here.
I’d like to recommend that you check out CЯYSTΛL’s in-world exhibition – I guarantee you will not be disappointed.

Pixie xx

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