Sunday, 6 November 2011

Old Lar's Happy Anniversary!

Bobo Puddlegum generously offers his body to Lar Jun as an anniversary gift
This weekend is the 2nd Anniversary of the opening of Old Lar's House!

Owner, celebrity sex symbol and avatar extraordinaire Lar Jun originally created The House to so that girls like me with a penchant for older men could find them easily with minimum effort. 

Or that's what he told *me* anyway. I now suspect he had an ulterior motive and it was actually the other way around!

Anyway, over two years Old Lar's House has evolved into so much more. It really is a remarkable story in its own right; one I may diary for posterity on this blog at some point.

Last week Old Lar's traffic tipped the psychologically significant 60,000 mark and is now officially the 30th most populated venue in Second Life (SL). Linden Lab have even recognised the The House by listing it on their web-based 'Destinations' feature.

This achievement is even more impressive when you realise that The House is situated on a mainland region (McFarren) and so has a maximum capacity of 40 avatars (unlike a private region which has a 100 avatar capacity).
What makes Old Lar's House so special? What makes it stand out from all the other copycat young-old venues in SL? Indeed, why I am personally proud that Lar chose to sponsor Pixie Rain Productions instead of one of the many other film makers operating in SL?

Simple really.
(click images to enlarge)
Its the people - the DJs, the live performers, the bar dancers, the gadfly's and seducers, the smart arse's and wits, the sluts and the subs, the Masters and the Daddies, the grey people who never move, never talk openly and always block the fooking entrance! Well, perhaps not them.

I love the banter at Lar's, the chitchat, the teasing, the joking and the repartee.

But I love the people the most. This blog-post not only celebrates a two year anniversary, it also celebrates the regulars that frequent Lar's House.

There are far too many people to have captured a picture of each and every one who attended the Anniversary Party. If we missed you, we sincerely apologise. Lar says to let him or I know and we will make sure you get on the Xmas Party blog-post!

After the photographs we have embedded a video of the hugely popular WytchWhisper performing 'Hanky Panky' live at The House last night.

But, before both of those we are pleased to announce a fabulous new competition!


Hidden in amongst the photos that follow is a very special avatar indeed!

As Old Lar's celebrates its second anniversary, this particular avatar celebrates his first ever *DAY* in Second Life!

Yes, its a 'Spot the Noob' competition!

If you think you know who it is, leave a comment on this blog-post to register your answer!

Lar is proud to pronounce that *ALL* correct answers will win a fantastic some-expenses-paid trip to a Second Life Destination of his choice!

The Main Event: WytchWhisper Live at Old Lar's House

And finally...
Congrats and love to Lar from us all!


  1. WOW! A big thanks to Pixie for the very nice write-up and the many awesome pictures. We had a real fun night there with so many friends and great music. Thanks for all you do for us Pix!...Big hugz to you!

  2. So good to see this video Pixie! many of our friends dancing...Wytchwhisper singing her heart out...Lar drinking Budweiser(yes we are open to sponsorship)...and Bobo with his flame at the end.....beautifully made as always! Thanks to our Pixie XXX

  3. Great post, great pics. Happy Anniversary, Lar and Bar!

  4. Congratulations on two great years, Lar! And thank you for opening your House to us every day, every night. It was a great celebration this weekend. ... Congrats to you, too, Pixie for the fantastic job on documenting the festivities. Well done!
