Monday, 13 February 2012

2 Years In Second Life

Today is my 2nd Rez Day in Second Life.
To celebrate I brought myself a *KaS* Corset System Dress, a pair of *KaS* Ballet Boots and a *Beautiful Sin* Titanium Leashed Collar set.
The corset dress I first saw on this picture on Phillip Sidek’s flickr; the leash I saw on a really sexy girl at a club. I should add that I wear the unscripted version of the leash, it is simply a cool-looking item of jewellery to me and has no other connotation. The boots I saw when I went to buy the corset dress.
I set off to take some pictures on an Italian village themed region called Sol Aria.  It was very pretty but sadly crashed after only two photographs. I waited a while for it to return but it didn’t seem to.
In these two years there have been things that I am proud of film-wise – ‘Rapture’, ‘Showdown’ and ‘Sex With Strangers’ particularly.
I am also very proud of this blog; this is my first attempt at doing anything of this sort. Although the readership is quite low, it is a quality readership and I receive very supportive and complimentary messages about it. Thank you so much for reading and being here.
There are changes coming soon too with this blog, I think. I plan to migrate from Blogger to my own domain name on Word Press to avoid Google’s increasingly invasive dips into our privacy.
There is also one thing that is constantly troubling me in Second Life at the moment which I’ll expand on in the coming weeks if I can find the right way to say it. It is one of those “nice problem to have” type of dilemmas, rather than one that is very important in the grand scheme of things. But it is nevertheless distressing me on an almost daily basis.
Nothing I have done in Second Life in the last two years am I ashamed of.
It’s been good.
Pixie xx.


  1. Happy rez-day Pix. If you're at Lar's later, save me a dance.

    Your biggest fan,
    Randall Ahren

  2. Joyeux rez-day Pixie ! And thanks soooooo much for your blog, you've done excellent work so far.
    But now, I have to confess : tu m'as mis l'eau à la bouche with your "one thing that is constantly troubling me in Second Life .............", you said too much or not enough, my curiosity is huge, I will have to live with it for the next weeks I guess grrrrrrrr ... LOL !

    Big hugs xxx

    Anonymous Klute :-))))

  3. Thank you Klute. The mystery dis-ease isn't very interesting lol, really. But I may reveal all!
