The MachinimaUWA V theme, rules and closing date have been released. And I have committed myself to entering this time.
The prize pool for UWA V stands at L$ 650,000 (approx. $3000USD). That is a serious level of commitment.
More details can be found here.
At the moment I have one film in early post-production and two others in planning. All three are progressing *so* slowly – I always seem to find I have something else that needs doing; some other priority. This blog is one example; my University studies another.
I have also found recently that most of my time in Second Life is spent answering IMs rather than actually creating.
Bobo and I have planned to make a UWA film called “Being Bobo Puddlegum”.
I suppose we are going to have to pull up our bootstraps and actually get some work done if we are going to finish before the deadline of 30 June.
Problem is, Bobo is gallivanting the oceans on a world cruise after winning 1st Prize in a competition to complete the following sentence in 10 words or less:
“I love Pixie Puddlegum even more than I love my fleshlight because…”.
Gawd, I miss that 'lil fella.
will look forward to that machinima! :)