Monday, 22 October 2012

Machinima Expo 2012: Official Trailer

November sees the opening of this year’s MachinimaExpo. What is particularly significant about the MachinimaExpo is that film entries come from many different games and MMOGs, not just Second Life.
Of the hundreds of entries, a 5-person jury panel selects just ten to go forward into competition against each other. The names of the ten selected machinima will be released later this week.
Last year I attended the Expo and blogged the experience here. It was a really very enjoyable evening. As I said at the time, the real eye-opener was realising just how much great machinima is being created outside of SL. The ten nominated films last year included, for example, entries created in Grand Theft Auto and Pro Evolution Soccer. The eventual winner, Phil Browne’s adaptation of the HP Lovecraft's classic ‘The Haunter of the Dark’ was created using iClone.
It would, of course, be remiss of me not to drop in here that Tutsy’s ‘A Journey Into the Metaverse’ was awarded second place.
If last year is anything to go by, the ten nominated films will be of exceptional quality. Personally I would have been proud to have created any one of the ten! We’ll know the ten soon, and I can’t wait to watch them…
In the meantime, here is the official trailer for this year’s MachinimaExpo:

The Official 2012 Machinima Expo Trailer from Ricky Grove on Vimeo.

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